Well, before I actually go ranting on about one of the most amazing games ever made on the face of this earth Trav and I just want to shout out to our fellow blogger and inspiration for our blog, Kylee "The Ruth" Dawson. Also, we just want to shout out to all our fellow bloggers around the world. We hope you dig what we're all about. Boom!
So, about Settlers. It's taken our life by storm. And that's fine, because it is the perfect storm as far as I'm concerned. And we do not want this storm to ever... and I mean EVER, calm down. In fact, we hope it some how turns into a ginormous tornado and sucks the world up. Oh yeah, a big ol' expansion pack tornado. And seriously, if you've ever played the game, don't act like you're not feeling this.
Funny how one thing leads to another. The other night, we began playing Settlers around 10pm. It was a Thursday night and our hombre, James, had just rolled in from hangin with the lady at about 11:30. He sees us finishing up a game and obviously wanted in on another round. So DUH, we kicked that next game off. Now, before I go on, I need to throw out there that the coming weekend I, Lupe, had a wedding to sing at. The rehearsal was the next day, Friday. And the wedding itself was Saturday. I needed sleep, and I really needed to listen to and learn the couple of songs for the wedding. Okay, now back to our story. So James got comfy as Travis reset the board and then we were off to Catan town. This magical game had us in it's grasp for a good hour and a half. Which a good game will usually do. After that game it was probably close to 1am and naturally James and I started getting in the wrap-the-night-up mode. The lights were shut off. I had my coat and shoes on. James was dressed for bed, but Travis, on the other hand, had some different plans. He used his good ol' famous phrase, "Come on guys, you only live once. And it's really not even that late. This is what college life is all about." And in record time, he had that freaking addicting drug of a game board set up. It was glorious. And you can't say no to gloriousness with it's beaming rays of holy light blinding you with love, comfort, and pure unadulterated addiction. So there we were back in Catan. To stay.
At about 2:30am I was dead set on leaving to get rest and learn those songs for the wedding. But no, Travis wasn't havin it. He made pot, after pot, after steaming pot of coffee. And seriously, before this night I DID NOT like black coffee. When I would make a cup of coffee I'd make it look like chai tea. But guess what I'm in love with now? What's that you guessed? Black coffee? Good job. We must have drank 6 or 7 cups each. I mean, our hearts were straight up beating as weird as a Carter Beauford drum solo. So again, in his convincing voice, Travis threw out there, "Dude, I'll seriously buy those 2 songs right now on itunes and put them on repeat so you can learn them while we're playing." So for some reason I thought, "Yeah, that's a good idea" And there we were again, settling in for another wondrous game.
After playing that "last" game we were completely and totally delirious. So delirious that we actually, without even thinking about it, started another game. We decided that since the sun would be coming up soon, we would actually call it quits after this one. Only on the game of course. Because after that we were heading on out to Cracker Barrel. And we didn't just make that a normal trip either. James started shouting in the parking lot at 6am (when Cracker Barrel opens, if you didn't know), (with strong southern drawl)"Hey you guys, lets pretend we've been drivin' on the road all night from somewhere real far down south!" I shouted, "Georgia!" And so there we were, some hillbillies from somewhere down in Georgia with no idea as to where we were going. The funny part of this situation was that we all had on an article of clothing that said otherwise. Travis was wearing an ONU shirt (college that's in the same town we were in), James had on a shirt and headband/ear warmers with Ohio State written all over them, and I had a Tern of the Wheel Bike Shop shirt on (another spot here in town) But still, for some reason we thought it best to stick with our Georgia story. We ate as much of our breakfast as we could.
We split in the parking lot, finally ending this unforgettable journey. We hugged and hopped on our horses and road away. I got home, passed out on the couch at 7am exactly, then set my alarm for 11am to hopefully somehow get 4 hours of sleep. Of course that didn't happen. Trav left straight from breakfast for work. And James luckily had nothing going on til 2:30. But no matter what we had going on that day or how much sleep we did or didn't get or how easy we managed to take it, we felt hungover and a half from the gallons of caffeine and the obnoxious laughing. None the less, it was such a beautiful night that we spent in the glorious land of Catan.
Good times.
God bless. Be well.
~Lupe and Trav
p.s. Thank you again, Kylee. This is gonna be fun. ;)
This game is totally addictive. Even I could stay up all night long playing, and anyone who knows me knows I won't stay up all night for anything! I can totally relate! Thanks for the laugh!!