I don't know if I've ever experienced anything like it before. Rich chocolate being poured across my plate of strawberry's, vanilla ice cream, and most importantly giant waffle. This is what they call the world famous "Belgium Waffle". Oh that I may partake in consuming such a marvelous creation..
It didn't come without a price of course. Along the way many became faint of heart and turned back, but those who kept their eye on the reward, basked in it's grandeur. Indulged in it's effulgence, and consumed it's sumptuousness. Yes, we were the few, the proud, the Belgium Waffle Brigade 2010.
When we started we had two maps (only one that actually was relevant to where we are in Europe. I gave the other one to a few other guys so it would keep them occupied for awhile), a high chance of rain, and 27 people very excited to conquer the Belgium Waffle. Five minutes into our trip the floodgates of the heavens opened up. Immediately two of our compatriots turned around and headed back for shelter. The rest of us pressed on.
Once we came to the first town called Tillburg, we took the biggest hit to our numbers. We had a planned stop in Tillburg to get cash out and grab some water for those who needed to, and also so we could find a path to Belgium. We told everyone to meet back at the bikes in 10 minutes. We waited 20 minutes, had to cut our losses (5 people), and moved on. Over the course of the next hour there were two bike wrecks and a few emotional break downs that cut our number to 17. After almost 3 hours we finally made it to the land of milk and flowing waffles.

On another note Holland is in the World Cup FINALS!!! It's really funny that no matter where we go people are always trying to get us to buy Netherlands soccer jerseys. They think that since we are Americans we are all rich or something... HA! Anyway, the game is at 8:30pm Netherlands time on Sunday. It works out really well because the Dutch Business man some of us guys met one night in Czech Republic invited us to go to dinner and watch the game with him and his wife on Sunday. It's definitely going to be a night to remember.
On a side note... The Dutch business man is named Guus and from our 2 hour conversation in Czech, I didn't gather that he knew the Lord as his savior. He is 60 years old now, very wealthy and very knowledgeable. God has put it on my heart to share with Guus because who knows if he'll ever sit down with another group of Christians for dinner. The challenge is Guus is being very hospitable and generous in having us for dinner so I don't want to be a young rude Christian who shoves Jesus down his throat.. Well I want to... because I know we're talking about his soul for eternity here... but I don't think that will be the most effective and lasting impression on this type of man. My point is please pray that the Holy Spirit will direct the conversation between us on Sunday and that his heart is tender to the gospel. I am very nervous because my heart is burdened for Guus and I want to see this man saved.
yummmm! wowsers. get that recipe before you leave! as for gus, i second now shoving it down his throat. maybe sharing a meal a looong meal like jesus did (and like you're already doing) will aide to an awesome heart felt conversation! invite him to come stay in your dorm at olivet :) haha! i miss you so much and can't wait to see you again!